A compilation of jewish lyrics.
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At the entrance to Gan Eden In the land of holy stones Lies the hopes and reams of many Jews It's the city of Chevron
There are people who are living there With the courage of their own and they know that we stand beside them That they are not alone
Chorus: The flame must never fall out The flame must never die Chevron is ours now and forever Am Yisroel Chai And while we long for the day When we will return From the corners of the earth Shalhevet's flame must burn
When Avraham bought the land With a 400 shekel coin He knew this was where the physical And Spiritual world enjoin Now every day you're standing strong With the dangers that are unknown We realize you're representing us By living in Chevron
We've seen them through come painful times And others might lie ahead But her soul will last forever Shalhevet's flame will never end
I am a very tired, old and worn out man And my eyes have long been blind Most things that people say to me Just seem to slip my mind
Oh, but the suffering and painful times That were in years long gone Are still as clear upon my memory As the numbers on my arm
What will become of all the memories? Are they to scatter with the dust in the breeze? Who will stand before the world Knowing what to say When the very last survivor Fades away
When i hold my grandson close to me And his fingers trace the pattern of my tears And he asks me, "Zeide, tell me why do you cry? What is it that you fear?"
And I tell him there once was another child Who smelled as sweet as felt this warm But he was taken form before my eyes And only i remain to mourn
What will become of all the memories? Are they to scatter with the dust in the breeze? Who will stand before a world That now wishes to deny Will they believe in someone Who never heard the cries
There us nothing I can say or do To make things change Time has a way of passing by so fast Like a fleeting shadow, no one will recall The faces of the past
What will become of all the memories? Are they to scatter with the dust in the breeze? But one thought gives me comfort It's all that i have left For I know that G-d in heaven Won't forget
Father please tell me, help me understand Who made what surrounds us The sky and the land The water we drink, the air that we breathe Father please tell me what should i believe
Listen my child put your trust in me There is a Creator that man cannot see And we owe our existence to no one but Him Beraishes Boro Elokim
Chorus: It's not just a story, a tale thats been told A fable, a myth or a legend of old It's not someone's fantasy, theory or whim It's what i believe, Ani Ma'amin
Father please tell me, I'm asking of you Why am i different, what makes me a Jew How am i to know the right life to lead Father please tell me what should i believe
Listen my child, it was long long ago When we stood by a mountain One nation, one soul And what we received is our very life's blood Na'aseh V'nishma Omru K'echod
Father please tell me, what does G-d intend Will this lone bitter exile soon come to an end Or must we continue to suffer and grieve Father please tell me what should i believe
Listen my child, the future will bring A day when the world knows who's King of all Kings Today or tomorrow I don't need to know Achakeh Lo Be'chol Yom Sheyavoh
Though the world's astray And has slowly lost it's way With the goal of virtue fading
There's a steady light That has kept away the night With the brightness it's creating
Can we bring the world it's only sunshine Only Torah yields the hope for mankind Let the beauty of our song Find the good in everyone Through the darkness shines our faith in our times
Can we help to change those lives of sorrow Could we bring the world a better tomorrow Will our deeds illuminate Break those clouds of certain fate Spreading rays of hope in Torah's sunshine
With the odds defines We have stood against the tide As the trials of life enclose us
It's in our plan To revel in our task at hand Knowing why Hashem just chose us
Can we be a light unto the nation Carrying out the purpose of creation Though we number just a few We can radiate the truth Through the darkness shines our faith for all times
Can we help to change those lives of sorrow Could we bring the world a better tomorrow Will our deeds illuminate Break those clouds of certain fate Spreading rays of hope in Torah's sunshine
Can we bring the world it's only sunshine Only Torah yields the hope for mankind Let the beauty of our song Find the good in everyone Through the darkness shines our faith in our times
They learned in a dark, frigid cellar Alone, just a small group of men When in rushed the soldiers And led them all away The flame of Torah flickered on that day
So many tears, so much sorrow The pain has lasted thousands of years But soon we'll stop crying The cruelty will end And Melech HaMoshiach will descend
Chorus: Someday we will all be together Someday we'll be sheltered and warm Never will we have to express any fear Our scars and our wounds will disappear
Avraham and Yitzchok will be there to greet us Yaakov and his sons will stand by and smile Moshe Rabbeinu will lead us once again To Yerushalayim Be'ezras Hashem
We learn every day and we daven We ask Hashem please bring those old times back I know that You're listening He always does it's true For i received His promise So have you
That Hashem will lead us out of this Galus It can't be too much longer, you know why And then together we're all gonna daven Together we're all gonna sing And say "Thank you Hashem for everything!"